Yoga, Meditation & Reiki
These practices are proven to aid in stress relief, release of trauma from the body and act as a wonderful complement to psychotherapy sessions.

Vikki Narayan
practicing in Plymouth, MI
I have been a registered nurse for over 20 years and have always been interested in the mind body connection. I enjoy teaching slow, mindful yoga that builds self-awareness, regulates the nervous system and ultimately builds greater resilience.

This private yoga session will be designed for you personally. Private sessions are an excellent way to grow your personal practice. During our session, we will create a full body-mind experience. This will help you reduce stress, work towards your personal goals, and strengthen your body, mind, and soul.
Private Yoga Session: 60 minutes, $75
Discover the power of Mindful Meditation. With a consistent practice you will begin to see changes in your life from greater well-being to self- awareness. A meditation practice can help you cultivate compassion, love, peace, generosity and forgiveness. A powerful self-care practice.
Pricing per Consultation


Reiki is a hands on Japanese practice used for stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki can help support the body’s ability to heal physically, emotionally and mentally. The client remains fully clothed, laying on a massage table using pillows and blankets for support. Reiki can help to improve the quality of your overall health and wellness.
Reiki Healing Session: 60 min, $75
Wellness Programs & Groups
Nourish Yourself Program
A customized program designed to meet your needs and wellness goals.
Program includes:
1 Goal Setting Session: 60 minutes
5 Weekly Coaching/Yoga Sessions: 75 minutes​
1 Reiki Session: 60 minutes
6 Week Program: $450

Yoga, Meditation and Reiki services are not billable to insurance.